
Mostrando las entradas de abril, 2018


Hi again my friend and readers of my post: In this opportunity I will write about Dancing. Since was I child I like to dance i joined to the club ‘‘Los Copihues ‘’, whom is a Folkloric Club where we dances different dances and the different zone of the country for example; the North of Chile ‘’Cachimbo, Cacharpaya, Membrillazo’’, the South of Chile ‘’Vals, Sirilla, Samba’’ also we dance Latin American dances for example, Argentina the Escondido and Chacarera, Colombia the Cumbia, Peru the Alcatraz , the Centre Zone, Cueca, Jota, Gato, etc.  Up to now I still been part of this group and I very happy to be in the Club really I love it   the folkloric dance I the ones part of mi life t most important because my family always   support me and in the club I met to my boyfriend. This semester I started to study Contemporary dance because is a different type of dance but very interesting, so far my experience has been good and beautiful, the teacher   is a very good

POST 2: Why did you choose to study your career?

Hi dear friends, Welcome again in my post, in this opportunity I will write about ‘’Why did you choose to study your career?’’.   When I was a child I dreamed of being a doctor, I was in love with that career on many occasions I played to be whit doll, together my sisters and speciality with my friend. When I grew up this change because in this moment I did not want to be a doctor rather a teacher, this dream persists for a long time until enter the university. When I postulated to the university even I had question of why career choose for example I wanted to study Teacher or Medical Technology. In this moment I was doing my professional practice of pre school of technician this experience helped me to decide which career to choose and without a doubt choose Pre-School Education. So far, my experience in the university has been very beautiful and gratifying because my classmate is very good, and I have beautiful friends, we are very united, and we are always togethe

POST 1: A country I'd like to visit

Hi again dear everyone!!     In this opportunity I written about a country would I like visit… Before in the other blogs I said to you about I love dance folklore is my passion for that reason         really I am would visit Isla de Pascua, is very beautiful and the play to have an interesting culture some dances that transmit beautiful mean. Every year in this county the residents persons make a festivity the ‘’Tapati’’ who is a festivity where a make competitions and present candidates to king and queen, dances every nights   an today the people of place assisted at the festival   and specialty   assisted a lot   touristic the work;     at least know about it.   I would to be in this festival everyone that assisted said to is very beautiful and visit the different places and specialty them Moais.   Really I lovely living in Isla de Pascua is a beautiful country and I will die in this place and believe I will dance every today. I hope that